Gastric leaks that are medically known as perforations occur when there are holes in the stomach wall. This condition can be caused by several things, ranging from peptic ulcers to surgical complications. Gastric organs located on the left side of the upper abdomen have the task of receiving food from the esophagus. This organ will secrete stomach acid and enzymes that function to digest food. When the stomach leak, of course its function in digesting food will be disrupted. Gastric leaks generally cause symptoms in the form of severe abdominal pain, which is accompanied by chest pain, nausea, vomiting, bulging stomach, tightness and difficulty defecating. In more severe conditions, this condition can also be accompanied by vomiting and bloody bowel movements. Causes Gastric Leaks The following are some conditions that can cause the stomach to leak: 1. Gastric ulcer Gastric leaking can occur due to a wound on the inner surface of the stomach wall, otherwise known as a stomach ...